WIN Annual Reports July 2017 Midyear Report | Page 14

redevelopment of Parkway Overlook. The goal is to break ground in 2017. Temple Courts - Tenant & Community Organizing In December of 2008 the Temple Courts building on 33K Street NW was demolished. Residents were promised that the site would be rebuilt and that they would get to move into a brand new facility. However, after 8 years of waiting the lot is still undeveloped. Instead a parking lot sits where housing should stand. After years of the former tenants and WIN leaders pressing, the District has finally re-started the proceedings to redevelop the lot. In 2016 WIN restarted organizing residents and nearby congregation members around the development plans, holding a 200-person action making demands of Councilmember Allen and others. In 2017 they have turned out to many community meetings to shape the development. The struggle continues as leaders fight to maintain their voice at the table and to get a shovel in the ground. 1125 Spring Rd NW / Old Hebrew Home From 1969 until it’s closure in 2009 the Old Hebrew home was used as a mental health facility for the homeless. Since the closure in 2009, the lot has lain vacant. Almost a decade ago WIN leaders recognized the site as having great potential to be affordable housing. For many years WIN has been unsuccessful in getting it redeveloped. In the Spring of 2016 the District renewed its interest in developing the site. In response WIN has organized local congregation members to weigh in demanding that affordable housing be maximized on this site, and that there be deep affordability for minimum-wage families. During a 200 person action on June 7, 2016, WIN leaders pressed Ward 1 Councilmember Brianne Nadeau to help ensure there will be maximum community input in the process. Also WIN organized dozens of faith leaders living in the neighborhood to doorknock and create turnout for community meetings to ensure that affordable housing is included in the RFP. 2017 MIDYEAR REPORT 14