Wildcat Connection November 2018 | Page 6


am always grateful for the opportunity to attend this conference because I find it to be valuable in a number of ways. As always, this year we learned some new program ideas, discovered the latest techniques to strengthen our current programming, and learned tips to help our impact shine. In addition, it was a great opportunity for networking with co-workers from all over the United States and broadening our outlook on what it means to be part of Extension!

K-State Research and Extension Culture of Health Grant

In an ongoing effort to support engaged, collaborative initiatives that aim to create and/or sustain healthy Kansas communities, K-State is taking applications for Culture of Health Grants. For our District that could mean $10,000 in funding. So, a good deal of my time the past month has involved brainstorming for project ideas and assisting in preparing a grant application. As it turns out, information gathered at our NEAFCS conference has become the basis for our grant project application.

Our FCS Team along with some other agents is leading the charge in preparing our Culture of Health Grant Application. In March of 2018, many of our Wellness Coalition partners from all counties in the District came together for Community Conversations around health, and these partners are also working with us and offering input and letters of support for our grant application.

The overall goal of our Wildcat District health initiative, a “Smooth Ride to Health”, is to raise awareness of district-wide opportunities available to all, and educate on how to successfully implement simple changes in lifestyle to increase physical activity and fruit and vegetable intake. Physical inactivity and low fruit and vegetable intake are proven to be factors in the very low health outcomes seen currently among residents in our counties.

We hope you will not only hear more about this initiative, but also be an active participant in the education and activities to improve health generated through the anticipated acceptance of our application and the funding we hope to receive.

Agent Annual Conference - Manhattan

Strengthening Our Core Competencies was the theme of our Extension Agent Annual Conference in Manhattan this year. We got to attend helpful informational sessions, participate in business meetings of our professional organizations as well as our Program Focus Teams, and network with other agents from around Kansas. I was also involved with a booth at the Tuesday evening Resource Fair promoting Dining with Diabetes and other health programming. In addition, it was an honor to join other Wildcat District employees and our Board Chairman in receiving the Outstanding Local Unit Award presented at our closing event.