Why Principals Matter: Exploring The Research On School Leadership. School Leadership Brief_18P429_digital_FINAL | Page 2

Introduction Principals’ jobs are changing. In the past, they were largely building managers, making sure their school was staffed and running efficiently while teachers took care of the teaching. But in recent years, principals have taken on new and diverse responsibilities. They now serve as instructional leaders, develop teachers, and create a strong, student-focused culture. 1 Principals have become second only to teachers in their school-level impact on student achievement. 2 1 1 Tennessee hires approximately 180 first- year principals each year, and many of those principals start their careers in Tennessee’s highest-need schools. 3 Tennessee has options for policies that could better ensure novice principals are prepared to tackle the complex responsibilities of leadership. This brief provides an overview of national and Tennessee-specific research around principal preparation. This research includes the unique ways that principals