Whittlesea CALD Communities Family Violence Research Report 2012 | Page 60

59 The literature and the primary research provide examples of CALD women encountering attitudes within their own communities that are unsupportive and which encourage actions that potentially put them at greater risk of violence such as returning to a violent relationship (Justice Institute of British Columbia, 2007). There is support in the literature for interventions aimed at building community and religious leaders’ understanding of the nature of family violence with the aim of encouraging leaders to respond to individual disclosures of family violence with support and assistance (Runner et al, 2009, Justice Institute of British Columbia, 2007) and to change attitudes within their own communities by acknowledging and condemning violence (Runner et al, 2009). Interventions that provide community and religious leaders with the skills and confidence to respond appropriately to disclosures of family violence are important because the research shows that lack of knowledge about how to intervene and the perception that intervention would be ineffective present obstacles to taking action (Powell, Dr.A, 2011 p.21). It is observed in the evaluation of the Northern Interfaith Relationships Project, and confirmed by the responses provided by the community and religious leaders interviewed for the scoping exercise, that there is a need to build the capacity of religious leaders to respond appropriately to disclosures, for example, by making referrals to external agencies (Holmes, S., 2012, p.52). Other recommendations for future capacity building in faith communities that come out of the project evaluation include the importance of identifying and targeting those individuals who are most likely to be able to act as agents for change and encouraging partnerships between community and other organisations and faith organisations (Holmes, S., 2012, p.55). The responses from the religious and community leaders interviewed for the scoping exercise indicated a high level of receptiveness to participating in education about family violence and engaging with local organisations. The ‘Religion and Family Harmony Project’ from Western Sydney provides an example, drawn from the Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse ‘best practice’ database, of a partnership project aimed at engaging and educating community and religious leaders about family violence and its impact on their communities. 64 A reported outcome of the project was a noticeable shift in attitudes towards family violence from ‘denial, resistanc H[??][?[\?][???[?[??x?&H??\??B?[?H??XX?]?H?[??H??\???[Z[H?[?[??H?]?[?[? ??X[]?[X][??H[??Z[?[?????[H\????[??K?H?[??[\?X??]??X??\???\?H]?[?Y[???????]?????]???[][?]H[??[Y?[?\?XY\????[?[?\??][???[?[?[?[?[??[?B?\?H\????Y\?X?H?\?[?H]\?]\?H??\??][???]?[?[?[?[?\??[?[???]Y?Y\?]??[?[?[?[?[??[?H\?H\?[???X?Y??\ ???] ?[  ? K??? ??\??\? ?  ??[ ???K ? LK?X?X[  ? ?B?[?Z\??\???H?]H?X?????[?][????[??\??\??][?H[?]Z[H?[X?\????X\????H?[?[??H?]?[?[?Y??????[?H\??]Y]\????[??Y[??][?[??[?H\?H[?XYH^??Y?[?[??Y[??Y?H?[?[??N?][?[??[?HX^H?H?X??X????\?]?]H?[?[??H?][?Z\???[?[X]H\??\??][???[][??\?H]?Y[??H][?[??[?H?]]Y\?[???\??\?]?H??[?[??H[?]?Y[??H]?[?[??H?]?[?[?????[\???[?[??[?H\?HY??X?]?H ??? ??\??\? ?   ? MJK??????H]X?\?H?[??HX??\??Y???B???????]\???X\?[???\?K?[???YK?]K?????X?X?Y]X?\?K?[???