Where ART Lives Magazine Volume 5 | Page 85

In what town and state is your art studio located? My studio is located in Magnolia, Texas. What is your favorite thing about your studio? My favorite thing about the studio is that it’s roomy and almost organized. It has 2 large windows behind a great easel, and my dogs have space to lay around in it. Would you describe your studio as messy or neat? My goal is to keep the studio neat but it’s usually topsy turvy with multiple canvases in progress and different media occupying space. I take time every few months to stop and organize. Is our studio located in or out of your home? My studio is in my home and occupies one of the bedrooms. I designed the house with an entry of 7’ x 28’ so it could serve as a gallery. What do you do to set the creative mood in your studio before you begin creating art? The biggest thing I do to set the creative mood is turn on my headphones and run Spotify. When I paint, I zone out completely into the painting and the music aids in that. I live in each painting as I work. I “move out” each time I finish a painting and “move into” the next one. 85