Where ART Lives Magazine Volume 4 Number 3 | Page 72

Inspire !

Stories of inspiration & art !
Written by Sandra Duran Wilson
Your art will be found in the hidden corners and crevices of your soul . It won ’ t hit you over the head , it will whisper your name . Learn to listen and see with fresh eyes . Expand your perceptions and invite your muse to join you in a grand adventure . Taken from chapter 1 of Awakening Your Creative Soul by Sandra Duran Wilson .
I believe that everyone has creativity dwelling inside them . Acknowledge this creativity no matter what form it may take : music , dance , cooking , storytelling , painting , writing , decorating or even listening . Everyone has something they are good at and enjoy . Art is a life saver and inspiration is the seed that grows into creativity . Inspiration begins with looking , listening , seeing and feeling . I have synesthesia which is a crossing of the senses . I associate colors with music and numbers have sounds . Sometimes a memory will have a taste , or a shape will trigger a response to a memory . Most people can make similar cross associations when they try . Smell is the most primal sense and it can awaken a long-forgotten memory . A flower whose scent reminds you of your grandmother , or someone ’ s voice awakens a memory of a long lost relative . When we take the time to pay attention a whole new world opens . I grew up in a small town and in a time where there were no AP classes . I have been an artist my whole life , but I never had art classes in school . I had mentors , but I didn ’ t take an art class until I went back to school in my 30 ’ s . In some ways this was a boon for my inspiration . I learned to tap into my imagination and exercise my creative muscle . The most important art lesson I learned was how to leap from one idea to the next .
You may have heard the saying when all you see is a hammer , everything looks like a nail . But , when you can imagine other uses for a hammer your imagination gives rise to inspiration . So how do you develop imagination and transform it into inspiration ? I have come up with a few beginning steps . These have to do with transforming perceptions , but it is also important to take care of your physical needs and to allow space for inspiration to be born .
1 . Working your imagination muscle is just as important as working out the other muscles . We do cross training to help our bodies be in the best shape and this is also necessary for your inspirational development . Try learning a new skill , try a new medium or take a class that is fun but different than your usual form of creativity .
2 . The best gifts come in the strangest packages-Take a hurdle and make it a blessing . When I look back over my life the most important lessons I have learned did not come easily . I remember them because there was a struggle . The struggle opens a new door , a path I might not have followed otherwise . When a painting feels like it is a mess , feel free to partially cover it up and begin again .
3 . Focus on where you want to go , do or be . Just like in downhill skiing , where you look is where you will go . Change your thoughts , change your beliefs . If you have been listening to negative self-talk , then change the story you are telling yourself . Post positive messages where you will see them throughout the day . Like a note on your monitor that says you are on the journey of your dreams . On your
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