Where ART Lives Magazine Volume 3 Number 4 | Page 110

Nancy Eckels

How often do you paint ? How many hours a week ? I paint at least 5 days a week . I spend 2-6 hours on those days .
How would you like to be remembered ? I would like my friends and family to remember me as someone they loved and who loved them and who was also a painter .
How do you know when a painting is finished ? A painting is finished when it speaks to me . It tells me when it ’ s finished . It just has a look that is hard to explain . However , I must admit that I have done paintings that spoke to me and after I signed them and looked at them for a week or two , discovered that they were lying to me , so I had to finish them again .
Do you have a favorite painting that you have collected by another artist ? I have a painting that I purchased from Carole Barnes when I took a workshop from her several years ago .
What is the most inspirational place you have visited to date ? Last year my husband and I took a driving trip up the California coast . I knew that there were portions of the coast that were beautiful , but I had no idea of the magnitude and quantity of the vistas and drama that we encountered .
Where would you take your dream vacation ? I would love to see the Great Barrier Reef in Australia .
What brings you the most joy in your life ? Spending time with people I enjoy .
If you could talk about art with a deceased master artist , who would it be ? Leonardo Da Vinci . We could talk about art and then move on to all kinds of additional subjects at which he excelled .
Tell us something that few people know about you . I am an avid Texas Hold Em poker player . I love the game , the bluffing , the math , and the creativity used when playing
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