Where ART Lives Magazine Volume 3 Number 1 | Page 44

Kit Hevron Mahoney

How often do you paint ? How many hours a week ? I would like to say many more than I do as running an art business requires much more than just easel time . I try to get in several hours a day when possible .
How would you like to be remembered ? I would like to be remembered as a person who has made other people ’ s lives richer whether personally or through my paintings .
How do you know when a painting is finished ? After I think I am finished with a painting I put it aside to study for several days or weeks . This way I am able to see what I may have missed or what might need to be added that I couldn ’ t see when I was in the process of creating it . It is easy to get lost in the process and so important to step back and see it through fresh eyes .
I also love that I can photograph my work with my phone and study it when I get home from the studio .
Abstracts are the hardest to know when I am finished . Many of my abstracts are layers of really good paintings that I did not back away from soon enough ! It helps to have painting partners that will shout “ stop ” before I overwork a piece . Thank you Brushstrokes partners John , Kelly and Anita .
Do you have a favorite painting that you have collected by another artist ? My parents were art collectors and I inherited 2 paintings I admired while growing up and they still continue to dazzle me . One is an impressionistic painting of a mama Quail followed by her brood of babies and the other is a more graphic stylization of some skiers from the 50 ’ s . I do have my own wonderful collection of the art from many of my contemporaries .
What is the most inspirational place you have visited to date ? Once again , that is difficult to answer as I have been fortunate to experience many travels around our country and Europe .
If I have to choose , I think that place would be Southern Utah in the fall where I was several years ago . Words can ’ t describe the abundance of colors in such a variety of trees , grasses and shrubs both in close up and vistas under the perfect low autumn light of October . I could paint for the rest of my life from the enchanted photographs I shot on that trip which I shared with a very dear friend who passed away this year .
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