Wheel World News Issue 54 March | Page 10







Each month, we want to highlight a consumer of the AZSCIA, hear about their personal story and journey with SCI, and read about all the remarkable things they've accomplished and continued to do within the community.

This month, we are highlighting Joe Jackson. He is going to tell us about his injury story, challenges he faces living with SCI, and advice he has for individuals who are newly injured. Please take a few minutes to read Joe's inspiring story.


On November 21st, 2005, when I was 16 (junior), I had recently gotten my driver’s license and a car when I broke my C6 vertebrae. On the Varsity football team at Hamilton High School in Chandler, AZ, I ran over to the sideline to help on gang tackle during practice. We were getting ready to play Westwood High in the Semifinal playoff game. As I tried to get up after that tackle, I was short of breath, my body had the tingles and I thought I had just given myself a stinger. A stinger is a common nerve injury of the neck and shoulder (nerve pinch injury) almost always occurring during tackling. The same feeling one gets when they hit their funny bone. I tried to reach out a hand to get up but couldn’t. My body felt like it was on fire. My coaches were around me, along with teammates