Wheel World News Issue 51 December | Page 9



or depressed; whatever you may be feeling at the moment. For example; pick something to focus on; it can be an object, an image, something you see out your window, something you are holding onto at the moment like your steering wheel or pen. Think about how that something looks or feels. Does it make a sound? What shape is it? How does it feel? What color do you see? Is there anything new you have noticed? Take a few minutes to orient yourself and connect with your focal point. Notice how different you feel? How much calmer you became by merely focusing on some random object. An object that has nothing to do with your well-being, yet it tapped you into a calmer side of you, the more secure and content aspect of you.

Another cost-free exercise that can help center oneself is to Build Gratitude. This simple exercise may also help draw your attention elsewhere and help one feel more content and grateful little by little, and with practice, the sweeter life will feel. All you do is think of 10 things you feel gratitude towards and allow that feeling to grow within you. For example, begin by thinking of one thing that you're grateful for and focus on how that gratitude makes you feel. Feel it in your heart; sometimes, it's helpful to place your hand over your heart and feel that connection. Next, think of the second thing you're grateful for and feel your heart expand and grow with that feeling. Then, think of the third thing you are thankful for and again feel your heart expand and grow with the warmth of love and appreciation you feel. As you continue to add to your list of gratitude, allow your heart to expand and grow with each appreciation until you eventually feel the warmth of that love and gratitude throughout your body. Sit with that feeling for a moment. Breathe it in and allow yourself to feel the comfort and security of these heartwarming blessings in your life. For a moment, feel, and be content.

These simple exercises can be performed as many times a day as needed. A "mico-vacation" that pulls you out of fight or flight /a frozen or numb state of being. Cost-free exercises such as these can make reaching a goal to live a more secure and content life seem more obtainable. And the more one practices these exercises, the more the body and mind begin to recognizes it, and the stronger it becomes within you, and the easier it will be to get to that secure and content state of being. You may even find yourself craving these "micro vacations" and may want to carve out larger spaces of time out of your day to feel this sense of calm and relaxation more often.