Wheel World News Issue 51 December | Page 8


Living a More Content and Secure Life

Written by April Wiley, Tucson Support Group Facilitator

When a person experiences trauma, post-traumatic stress can transform an individual’s approach to dealing with life. Trauma can put a person into a constant state of fight or flight or feeling numb and frozen, which in turn becomes their new normal or their new baseline for living. Individuals may begin to forget what it felt like to live in a space where life seems balanced, fun, and manageable. We have learned that remaining in a constant state of fight or flight or numb and frozen can have adverse effects on our health. On the one hand, we have Fight or Flight individuals. People who may battle anxiety or fear, irritability or anger, feelings of being overwhelmed and stressed, and may have stress-related health issues. Irregular heart rhythms, high blood pressure, digestive problems, poor quality of sleep, increased pain, and an unstable autonomic nervous system, to name a few. On the other hand, we have Numb and Frozen individuals. People who may battle depression or feelings of emptiness, lack motivation/drive to live, fear and anxiety, and have their own set of health issues. Poor appetite, low blood pressure, circulation issues, irregular sleep patterns, and again, increased pain and unstable autonomic nervous systems, to name a few. Managing any of the above conditions, along with post-traumatic stress/pain, can make one feel helpless, whether you're the individual directly dealing with the trauma or you're the supporting family member or caregiver. When a person feels secure and content, they are more at ease with themselves and with life. A Secure and Content individual's demeanor tends to be calmer, stress-free, loving, joyful, and are overall satisfied with life. Health issues are at a minimum as those who are in this secure and content space may have healthier lifestyles. Secure and Content individuals may be more active, more aware of their health, may socialize more, and may take the time to follow-up with doctors or therapists to help maintain a healthy outlook and perspective on life. Overall, they tend to have more energy to face life's obstacles with conviction and with a more positive outlook.

So, how do we return to a baseline of feeling Secure and Content? Especially if we have been in the space of fight or flight, or frozen and numb for a while?

One can start by incorporating little exercises that help to draw them out little by little. A simple exercise that one anyone can do anywhere is called Orient. To orient is to adjust or tailor (something) to specify circumstances or needs. To realign or reposition. In this simple exercise, all one needs to do is draw their attention to something else other than the state of feeling anxious