Wheel World News Issue 45 June | Page 4

Spotlight Story

Featured story of the month

Your Donations Matter!


Seven years ago, The Sanchez family went through a very traumatic accident that left a member of the family paralyzed.

Savannah and Rigo were at the park with their kids, Rigo, Zaydan, and Jenelle, enjoying an early evening of laughter and playing as a family. Savannah and Rigo drove separately to the park, and since Savannah was tired, she drove home herself, leaving her husband and three kids at the park. Shortly after Savannah left the park, she received the call every mother dreads; her husband and kids had been in an automobile accident.

Savannah raced to the scene of the accident and then to the hospital. Thankfully, her husband and two sons suffered minor, non-life-threatening injuries. Unfortunately, Jenelle, who was only 4 years at the time, was an entirely different story.

Nearly ten hours after the accident, doctors finally sat Savannah down to explain Jenelle's injuries. Among many issues she sustained from the accident, she was paralyzed and her life would be spent in a wheelchair. Her life and the Sanchez family's life would never be the same.

spent in a wheelchair. Jenelle and her family's life would never be the same as it was before the accident.

Despite Jenelle's injuries, she was still the happiest, kindest girl you'll ever meet. Now, Jenelle just turned 12 years old and her family was in great need of an accessible van that would fit their lifestyle and transportation needs. The family had been using a van that was not suitable for Jenelle's needs, resulting in Jenelle not getting out of the house much and limiting her from spending time with her siblings.

Jenelle (4 years old) shortly after the automobile accident