Wheel World News Issue 31 April | Page 23


April 2018


for us coming to speak to them as it teaches them compassion and helps them to understand how difficult real-life challenges can be for someone living with paralysis.

When I speak one-on-one with spinal cord injury survivors, our discussions mainly focus on daily living skills that we all, to some extent have in common, such as therapies, medications and equipment we’ve found helpful. While there is no one solution for everyone, providing resources plays a key role in success stories. The biggest challenge that spinal cord injury survivors struggle with is the sense of loss of independence that we once had. I don’t think anyone wants to have to rely on other people for everything, so if I can give someone even one victory of doing something on their own by strategizing what works best for them, then I am beyond happy.

-Sharon Malone


Sharon and her children

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I am passionate about getting involved in the community to let others know that they are not alone in their journey, and if I can pass on my experiences that have been challenging, then others have the potential of making things easier for themselves, It is a pay it forward approach. For me, volunteering has been so rewarding and I feel like I have a sense of purpose for what has happened to me. If I can make someone smile versus the all too common depression, then I light up internally. This whole spinal cord injury experience has made me appreciate the things I do have and adopt a "stop to smell the roses"

the roses" philosophy. By joining and working with the spinal cord injury community, I don’t feel like I am limited in the things I want to enjoy. I may have to do it in a different way but I’m not limited by the possibilities of a successful and fulfilling life. Don’t give up, focus on what you can do and enjoy life as tomorrow is never guaranteed.

Becoming an addition to the Board of Directors would be another way for me to give back to this wonderful community. These are challenging times and it is up to us to make sure no one is left behind. I have been on the Board of my former employer’s HR team as well as serving as Secretary for my childrens' elementary school PTO so I am familiar with how they are structured. I hope you will consider my request to join your dedicated team.