WHE_Webinar FAFY18 | Page 8

All advocates are a link in the chain. If the chain remains intact so does the movement. If links are weakened? It breaks.

What can I do?

Your voice matters!

Every issue facing wild horses has an appropriate action that a member of the public can take. But if you do not know what is appropriate how can you take that action or even support those taking that action?

This has been a major stumbling block to creating change in the way our wild horses are managed. Comments appropriate in one specific part of process are often presented as appropriate in another part. When you see that year after year with no change you not only create no change for the horses but you create a very frustrated public.

To address the multiple legislative issues that we now face you simply need to identify a single issue and make a single call relating to that issue.

Please do not make one call and try to address multiple issues. Congressional aides get really busy and many are not savvy to all the issues. Remember when you make the call you are the voice attempting to educate an aide to the issue and the will of the people living in the district that votes for them. Try to keep each call as simple as you can.

Chose your issue, make the call, repeat as needed.

When you discuss wild horses remember the function of the person you speak to.

Congress makes the law.

BLM carries out the law. BLM is not supposed to interpret the law, decide who it applies to based on family, friends and personal opinion. BLM is not supposed to influence the legislative process, nor create situations that influence the legislative process.

When there are situations in which BLM fails to recognize their space in process by violating a legal intention the appropriate actions fall to the judicial branch. This is one more vital function of advocacy.