What's up in Europe? | Page 61

Literature ROMANIA Nichita Stanescu, the Poet By Sebi Nichita Stanescu, the Romanian poet whose name our school proudly bears, was born in Ploiesti, our hometown, in 1933. He was a shy fair-haired blue-eyed child, and later a shy youngster who soon became a rebel and a non-conformist. He loved sketching and often withdrew in his ”People gave up the need to be victorious and to conquer one another a long time ago. Our fundamental need is the need for time. art. In his teenage years, he started writing poems and publishing them in the school magazine. His vision of the world, of life and feelings was totally new and the images he created associated unexpected ideas. Many people did not understand his poetry, but those who did were fascinated by its beauty and by the messages it transmitted. Our fundamental right is the right to time”, Nichita said when he was awarded the Herder prize for literature, in 1982. Nichita said that poetry is the only treasure belonging to human beings that has not been robbed. ”Poetry belongs to everyone, there is poetry inside each of us and the poet is the humble worker who translates everyone’s feelings into printed books.” One of his famous volumes of poems is called ”The Unwords”. When asked to explain the title, Nichita said the unwords are the barbarian silence between two