What's up in Europe? | Page 105

such as cherries or strawberries, and sometimes even apples— optionally topped with sour cream, and sugar for the sweet versions. Kie?basa - sausage is a staple of Polish cuisine and comes in dozens of varieties, smoked or fresh, made with pork, beef, turkey, lamb, veal with every region having its own specialty. ?ur or ?urek - ?ur with potatoes, Polish sausage and egg. Rosó? - Clear chicken soup served with noodles. Go??bki - cabbage leaves stuffed with spiced minced meat and rice or with mushrooms and rice served with sour cream or tomato sauce. Zupa ogórkowa - Dill pickle Soup of sour, salted cucumbers, often with pork. Zrazy - twisted shape thin slices of chopped beef, which is flavored with salt and pepper and stuffed with vegetables, mushrooms, eggs, and potato. Flaki or Flaczki - Beef or pork tripe stew with marjoram Barszcz - Its strictly vegetarian version is the first course during the Christmas Eve feast, served with dumplings called “uszka” (“small ears” dumplings) with mushroom filling (sauerkraut can be used as well, again depending on the family tradition).