What's up in Europe? | Page 20

Economics GREECE The Unemployment in Greece by Maria The unemployment is generally an issue which concerns everyone today especially Greece and Spain. In August 2012 the unemployment in Greece had risen to 25,5% and in October 2013 to 27,3,so we concluse that the country with the highest unemployment is Greece, the second is Spain where the unemployment has risen to 26,7 % and the last one is Australia with 4,9% . Also we remark most of the unemployed are the young under 25 years who also react by doing revolutionary demonstrations but most of the time without results.The unemployment came of the economic crisis which is prevailing in the country but the economic crisis came of the wrong estimates of politicals and the loans which were continually taken by the country from the European Union so Greece just try to become less dependent but not powerful. The unemployment in Greece causes many problems for the citizens of the country who can’t pay taxes , lose their houses and become homeless because they don’t have money , there is an increased percentage of homeless in Greece but the most important thing is that due to the unemployment there is an increased percentage of suicides. In Greece suicides have increased too much because people can’t cope with all these . Now we are the new generation , the future of this country and a part of the responsibility remains in us , so when peoples, living conditions and the economical condition improve , then the creation of a powewrful Greece will become with new jobs for everyone . It is sad when you see your country in such a difficult situation and it is sad especially for us the young.The unemployment is a situation which is hardly overturned and especially when she is so increased but we Greeks don’t give up because we can all together overturn the unemployment !!!