What's up in Europe? | Page 15

Tips for Leo: Now and then try attending to details yourself rather than delegating. Become a volunteer. Recognise that managing the small stuff once in a while can be empowering. Try blending creativity with detail, perhaps fine work like jewellery making. Once in a while do a jigsaw puzzle, it will help you to organise the small stuff. When you are in pain or unwell, visit a doctor or naturopath. Consider the advice of the earth signs you meet. Famous personalities: Neil Armstrong; Napoleon Bonaparte; Kim Cattrall; Alfred Hitchcock; Madonna; Tips for Virgo: Try not to worry too much. Strike a balance between time spent alone and time with others. Every so often go out and meet new people, even if you don’t feel like it. Remind yourself that you are beautiful and lovable on a regular basis. Give yourself a beauty treatment once in a while, or have a massage. When you don’t know how to do something, ask for help. Consider the advice of the air signs you meet. Famous personalities: Agatha Christie; Queen Elizabeth I; Bill Murray; Tips for Libra: Keep a dream diary and learn the language of the unconscious. Recognise that there is no light without dark, nor dark without light. Every so often spend some time alone, even if you don’t want to. Recognise there are deeper things beneath surface impressions. When you can’t make a decision, ask yourself how you really feel. Study psychology or astrology. Consider the advice of the water signs you meet. Famous personalities: Catherine Zeta Jones; Oscar Wilde; Kate Winslet; Sting; Margaret Thatcher; Michael Douglas;