What's up in Europe? | Page 88

The rooster, seeing this great injustice done to him, started pouring out all the water in his belly. He poured and spat and poured and spat all the water onto the embers until he put out the fire and cooled the oven. To make matters worse, this also caused the whole house to be flooded and made the wicked old woman in the kitchen mad with fury. Then the rooster pushed the stone slab in front of the oven door away, got our safe and sound and ran as fast as he could to the boyar’s window, knocking his beak against the glass and screaming: Cock-a-doodle-doo! Rich gentleman, you Give me the purse with coppers two! “Geee, what a pain in the neck this rooster is!” said the boyar in amazement. “Driver!” he called the coachman. “Take the wretched bird off my head and hurl it in the middle of the ox and cow herd; maybe an angry bull will stake it with its horns and tread it down to the ground….and so we’ll get rid of it!” The coachman took the rooster once again and hurled it in the middle of the herd. Well, ]?\?H????\??&\??X][Y?HH?\?Y??[??[???[?????[??[?\?[?[H??[??YH??H\?[??]?HY?H?[H\??Y?\?H[?[?Z[?H[?H?[YH?X???H??X\??&\?[???[???Y\??[???[?H??[?????[???]HY?H??X\??&\??\?H[???X[YY???????XKY??KY??B??X??[?[X[?[?B??]?HYHH\??H?]??\????B??\?\?]H]\??]?^?] H??X\??[H?]H??[[??[?????[??[??YH[K?]H??[[??????\??^H??]?Y??H????\???H?][??Y?[??][??Y?[?[HY[??\?YXN???'?[ ?[ x?&[H??[??????\???X?H?X]\?H[??B?[?^H?][ ?]X^H??[??[H????[??[?\?H[??]?B??X??[?]???]??H?[Y?[?][H?]?Y?]x?'B??