What's up ici? Issue 2 | Page 6

WRITING HAIKUS by Araceli Gámiz, Toñi Romero and Luis Gutiérrez (4 ESO B)

This year our bilingual project consists of writing haikus in three languages: English, Spanish and French. We’re going to explain what a haiku is and our opinions about this project.

Haiku is a short form of Japanese poetry that has become appreciated around the world. Haiku poets are challenged to convey a vivid message in only 17 syllables. These poems are characterised by three qualities:

Two images are represented by the juxtaposition of two images or ideas and a ‘cutting word’ between them.

Syllables are arranged in three lines of 5 -7- 5.

There is a seasonal reference mainly through adjectives and nouns.

This is a well-known example:

Spring morning marvel

lovely nameless little hill

on a sea of mist.

Haiku poems can describe anything, but are seldom complicated or hard to understand. We think it’s a good way to express our feelings in a simple way. Furthermore, haikus show people what we are doing on the planet because we express what we think about pollution, environment, nature, etc.

A colourful picture

with a lot of flower marks

the spring has just come.

Haiku written by Ana Rodriguez (4 ESO B)