What's REALLY Going ON Volume 1, June 2014 Issue #6 | Page 35

DISPELLING MYTHS AND RUMORS LunaJo67 This is a video timeline series that was created following the death of Michael J Jackson. The creator is a MJJ Fan, LunaJo from the Netherlands. Series 3 This month’s focus is on Series 3 “What DID Happen after the trial?“ This series of videos examines the events that happened after Michael’s death. You will see the interaction between AEG and the Michael Jackson Estate, as well as the Jackson Family. Please share my videos where ever you can, so people will get a true and real picture of Michael Jackson. Thank you! What DID happen after the trial? Each video is 10 to 20 minutes long, Hopefully this has piqued your curiosity. Go check it out and Enjoy! Uploads for Michael Jackson Vindication 2.0 King Jordan Radio show 35