Whatever Has Happened Is Justice Whatever Has Happened Is Justice | Page 24

12 Whatever has happened is justice When a man loses his only son, it is justice. No one has dealt him any injustice. There is no injustice from God or anyone else for that matter. This is justice. That is the reason I am saying that the world in a constant state of justice. When a man loses his one and only child, the only people who mourn his death are his family members. Why don’t the neighbors around him mourn also? The family members cry because of their own selfishness. If you look at the event from the eternal aspect, then nature is just. Does all this make sense to you? If it does, then know that everything is as it should be. Many of your problems will be reduced when you apply this Gnan. This justice cannot be altered even for a second. If there was injustice, no one would be able to attain liberation. People ask why even good people encounter difficulties? In reality, no one is able to cause difficulties for them. As long as you do not create interference, nothing will interfere with you. There is no one who has the power to do so. All these problems exist, because of your own meddling. ONE NEEDS TO BE PRACTICAL The scriptures do not say, “Whatever has happened is justice.” They claim that justice is justice (referring to worldly, manmade justice). This is a theoretical proposition, not exact or practical. It is because of this that we have been led astray, but in reality, “Whatever has happened is justice.” This is the practical knowledge. Nothing can work in this world if it is not applicable practically. That is why theoretical aspects have not lasted. That, which happens, is justice. If you want to become free from all puzzles, then you must accept that whatever happens is justice. If you want to wander around aimlessly, keep looking for justice.