Whatever Has Happened Is Justice Whatever Has Happened Is Justice | Page 15

Whatever has happened is justice 3 people attempt to link their idea of justice with the account, and in so doing, they end up in the courts and exhaust themselves. If you insult someone just once, that person, in anger may lash out and insult you over and over again. Everyone may consider his reactions extreme and unjust. Where is the justice there? Justice is that you were meant to be insulted several times so you should regard it as a settlement of your past account. If you had lent money to a friend’s father, would you not try to recover it from your friend when the opportunity arises? Your friend might think it unfair, but this is how nature’s justice operates. Nature brings all the evidences together in order to settle a past account. If a woman keeps antagonizing her husband, even then it is nature’s justice. The woman herself is bad, but she thinks that it is her husband who is bad. Nevertheless, the entire situation is nature’s justice. Questioner : Yes. Dadashri : When you come to me with a complaint, I do not heed your complaints. What is the reason for this? Questioner : Now I realize that this is justice. NATURE UNRAVELS THE WEAVE Dadashri : “The fault is of the sufferer,” “Avoid clashes,” “Adjust everywhere,” and “Whatever has happened is justice,” are all wonderful discoveries of mine. According to nature’s laws, things will unravel in the same way in which they had been woven. If they are woven with injustice, the weave will unravel with injustice. If the weave had been woven with justice, it will unravel in justice. This is how events unfold, but people tend to look for justice in them. Why must you look for the kind of justice that is dispensed in law