Whatever Has Happened Is Justice Whatever Has Happened Is Justice | Page 13

WHATEVER HAS HAPPENED IS JUSTICE THE VASTNESS OF THE UNIVERSE IS BEYOND WORDS There is much more to the universe than what is described to us in the scriptures. The scriptures reveal only a fraction of what the universe is. The universe in reality is indescribable and indefinable. If the universe is beyond words, then how can one understand what it really is? The universe is so vast that it is incomprehensible. From my vantage point, I see the vastness of the world and am able to tell you about it NATURE IS ALWAYS JUST Nature is always just. Not even for a split second has it been unjust. Justice that prevails in courts of law may be unjust at times, but nature’s justice is always just and precise. What is the disposition of nature’s justice? In nature’s justice, if an honest person, who has never before committed a crime, were to steal today, he would be caught immediately. If a corrupt person commits a crime, nature would spare him and he would go free. Nature wants to protect the purity of a good person and therefore, it will never support him in any of his wrong doings. Nature will however, continue to aid and abet the wrong doer