What Would Happen | Page 8

HEART INSTITUTE GREAT AND SMALL A MINIATURE BYPASS PUMP WITH BIG POSSIBILITIES The cardiopulmonary bypass machine gleams in a corner of the operating room, a massive device with a critical job: to pump blood during open-heart surgery. It’s designed for adults, and its circuit capacity can’t be reduced for the much lower blood volume and higher circulation of infants, whose blood can become dangerously diluted and damaged traveling through the machine. Pediatric heart surgeon James Jaggers, M.D., knows it well and has used it many times. JAMES JAGGERS, M.D. in patients with single ventricle disease. “We realized it had wider applications,” says Dr. Jaggers. Wide applications, indeed. The pump’s small scale is ideal for infants and children, but its potential portability applies to adults as well. “Full-size bypass machines are hard on infants,” he says. The tubing is completely interchangeable: for adults, a surgical team could simply use a bigger tube. That simple premise led Dr. Jaggers, Chief of Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery at Children’s Hospital Colorado, along with a diverse team of perfusionists, bioengineers, and veterinarians, to develop the miniaturized cardiopulmonary bypass external compression pump. “This machine could be in a case about the size of a shoebox,” says Dr. Jaggers. “It could be used in the field or in a military setting. It could be adapted for transport from one place to another, from one city to another. It could become a very small IV pump that you hook to your belt.” A reimagining of the bypass machine on a radically smaller scale, the new machine employs a cam device to propel blood through tubes in a novel configuration never before described. Better still, the pump’s unique architecture minimizes injury to the blood as it passes through. It’s a safer, more effective machine at less than a tenth of the size. The design, currently in testing, began as a way to assist circulation “It works for all patients,” says Dr. Jaggers. “We believe it will be a big advancement in care.” KATHRYN CHATFIELD, M.D., Ph.D. HEART INSTITUTE THE WORK OF THE HEART CLOSING THE CARDIOLOGY GAP BETWEEN KIDS AND ADULTS The gel stain looks like the ghost of a bar graph, an array of translucent purple blocks conjured on clear contact paper in distorted, miragelike lines. The blocks are samples of proteins extracted from the heart tissues, some healthy, some diseased. Each block tells Children’s Hospital Colorado’s Kathryn Chatfield, M.D., Ph.D., something about what’s going on in the heart’s cells. “These proteins are supposed to stick together,” she says, tapping a sallow block with her pen, “but they’re falling apart.