What Would Happen | Page 32

NEUROSCIENCE INSTITUTE NEUROSCIENCE INSTITUTE STORM CHASER REWIRING THE MIND CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL COLORADO’S NEW ROBOT HELPS PERFORM BRAIN SURGERY BETTER, FASTER, AND WITH MORE PRECISION HOW ELECTRODES IMPLANTED DEEP IN THE BRAIN CAN HELP MUSCLE CONTROL The patient, a 17-year-old girl, lies anesthetized, very still. Her long hair drapes the lip of the operating table. “Does anyone have a ponytail holder?” says Children’s Hospital Colorado’s Brent O’Neill, M.D. Then Dr. O’Neill and Catherine McClung-Smith, M.D., both brain surgeons, comb the patient’s hair. The patient has suffered debilitating, near-constant seizures since she was 4 years old. Basically electrical storms in the brain, seizures originate from a central epicenter or lesion. Remove that lesion and the seizures stop. The tricky part is finding it. The storms spread at the speed of light, making their centers hard to target. By placing electrodes into the brain, doctors can record seizure activity over a week, locate the epicenter, and take it out. Those electrodes have to get there first. One placement method is to remove a section of the skull and place a grid of electrodes on the surface of the brain. Less invasive and more precise than the craniotomy and grid is frame stereotaxy. That surgery involves essentially scaffolding a patient’s head and mechanically calculating the exact location and angle to drill holes in the skull and then place electrodes one by one. The problem is that each electrode can take a half hour or more to place, and over the course of placing 10 or 20, an operation can drag on for many anesthetized hours. It’s hard on doctors and patients alike. Dr. O’Neill’s new surgical assistant, a robot called ROSA, cuts the placement time per electrode to five minutes. With the help of ROSA, one of only about 20 robots of its kind in North America, each step of the operation has been meticulously planned in advance. ROSA’s screen displays each site on images of the patient’s skull, along with the evidence of a lobectomy she underwent at 10 years old: a ragged rectangle in the bone, held in place with titanium clips. It worked, but the seizures came back. Now, Dr. O’Neill simply presses a foot pedal to align the robot with the next site. He can then drill the next tiny hole for introducing an electrode. By eliminating the need to constantly recalibrate, ROSA increases not only efficiency but also precision, minimizing risk. BRENT O’NEILL, M.D. Over the next week, Children’s Colorado epileptologist Pramote Laoprasert, M.D., along with a team of electrophysiologists and neuropsychiatrists, will isolate the epicenter and electrify electrodes of interest to prove the target area has no vital neurological function. Dr. O’Neill will remove the lesion. Once again, the patient will be seizure-free. Firing neurons sound a lot like dial-up modems: the noise of static, pulses, clicks. It is, in fact, the same language. Like modems, neurons communicate in binary: on, off, on, off. “You can listen and see the pattern,” says Children’s Hospital Colorado neurologist and movement disorder specialist Abbie Collins, M.D. “The frequency of spikes tells you what part of the brain you’re in.” The part of the brain that interests Dr. Collins is the basal ganglia — the center, at the core of the brain, of voluntary movement. Wiring problems in the basal ganglia can lead to adult diseases like Parkinson’s and essential tremor, both of which benefit from a treatment called Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), which implants electrodes deep in the basal ganglia to stimulate or inhibit misfiring neurons — and gets impressive results. Pediatric neurologists and neurosurgeons are increasingly exploring DBS as a treatment for kids with diseases like dystonia, a serious motor impairment that causes stiffening of the muscles. “When you raise your arm,” Dr. Collins says, “your bicep has to contract, your tricep has to relax, and your deltoid needs to hold the position. In dystonia, because of faulty wiring in the basal ganglia, your tricep doesn’t get the signal to relax. You’re just constantly fighting your own muscles to make even basic movements.” ABBIE COLLINS, M.D. DBS can help, but the results have been inconsistent. “We’re trying to understand who’s going to respond to DBS, and how they’re going to respond.” To address that question, Dr. Collins and Children’s Colorado neurosurgeon Aviva Abosch, M.D., Ph.D., are working to correlate brain-imaging data with clinical data gathered through dozens of means. Many of those means are unique to Children's Colorado's program, including the use of the Center for Gait and Movement Analysis (see p. 25), where researchers can study nuances of movement using ultra-sensitive instruments. So doing, Drs. Collins and Abosch hope to gain much-needed insight into a complex disorder — and into the workings of the growing brain. “So much has to happen to execute even a simple motor command,” Dr. Collins says. “The concept ‘move’ is actually very complicated.” And they hardly even messed up her hair. 30 31