What Work Cambridgeshire and Rutland 2016 | Page 22

What Work Cambridgeshire & Rutland 2016 • Sandwich course A sandwich course, offered by many universities basically adds another year to your degree in which you experience working in industry or working or studying abroad. Students who work in industry (usually paid) gain invaluable work experience and those studying abroad can also use their experience to add to their CV. • Year in Industry This programme arranges paid placements for students during their gap year before starting their degree course. www.yini.org.uk Other options include studying abroad, work shadowing at a higher level or for a different position while already working and volunteering on a regular basis. Try www.do-it.org Gap year A gap year usually means taking a year before starting higher education to do something else. This could be travelling, working, doing voluntary work or learning new skills and you would need to fund this yourself. Many people take a gap year before starting at university. A gap year could help you to: •