What to Expect When It Isn't Expected: Helping Mommies Everywhere! March 2014 | Page 8

On all fours straighten out your back and arms, making sure the hands are directly under your shoulders. Gently sit back onto the heels of your feet, extending the arms and putting your head to your chest. Hold for 7 seconds and go back to beginning position. Repeat this up to 10 times. Make sure when you sit back on the heels you leave space for that bump in between your legs! You should feel the stretch in your back, thighs and pelvis.

Stretches for expecting moms help prevent injury and ease discomfort or pain you may be experiencing. Breathing deeply with each stretch is important part of making each stretch effective. You should consult your doctor before doing any exercise or stretch while pregnant.

Back to all fours being careful to keep the back in line with your head so there is no slump in your back you are going to curl the back up making a rainbow arch and tucking the head to chest. Hold this for 7 seconds and return to in line position. Repeat this up to 10 times. You should feel the stretch in the lower back. You’ll find this will ease backaches

you may be having.



out mamma!
