What to Expect When It Isn't Expected: Helping Mommies Everywhere! Issue 2 / April 2014 | Page 21

While pregnant it is so important to get in all the nutrition and vitamins you can. Here is a list of all the nutrients and vitamins to keep you and your baby happy and healthy during pregnancy. You will see RDA with each, this stands for recommended daily allowance.

While pregnant it is so important to get in all the nutrition and vitamins you can. You will see RDA with each, this stands for recommended daily allowance. Here is a list of all the nutrients and vitamins to keep you and your baby happy and healthy during your pregnancy

Calcium will help build your baby’s bones and teeth. Due to the fact that your baby is taking everything necessary from you, you will need to replenish your body with added calcium to keep your bones and teeth healthy. It could also help with the prevention of high blood pressure when pregnant. There is something called gestational hypertension which you need to look out for in pregnancy. The RDA for calcium is 1,000 mg, be careful not to exceed 2,500 mg. The best ways to get calcium are:

•Yogurt •Cottage cheese • Kale •Spinach •Okra •Soy beans •Milk •Tofu •Cheddar cheese

Choline will help both you and your baby. It helps your baby’s brain and spinal cord development. It can help in the prevention of problems with the brain and spinal cord like neural tube defect. Choline will also help you have strong bones and is another way to help keep the blood pressure down. The RDA for pregnancy is 450 mg, be careful not to exceed 3,500 mg. Some foods that include choline are:

•Eggs •Pork tenderloin •Broccoli or cauliflower

•Ground beef •Salmon •Chicken

Docosahexaenoic Acid is important for brain and vision development. It can also reduce risk of future heart disease. The RDA for pregnancy is 300 mg. It is found in prenatal vitamins, but some great foods that contain DHA are:

•Coho salmon •Blue crab

•Canned tuna •Fortified eggs -- 85 mg to 200 mg

Folic Acid is what helps prevent miscarriage and premature delivery. It also helps protect your baby against any spinal cord birth defects during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Some of the most common are, encephalocele, when there is an abnormal in the skull pushing the brain tissue to the skin, anencephaly, underdevelopment of the brain, and spina bifida, an incomplete closure of the spine. It is also great in the prevention of anemia. The RDA for folic acid is 600 mcg. Some yummy ways to get folic acid into your diet are:

•Lentils •Spinach •Broccoli •Asparagus •Cantaloupe

Iron will help prevent premature delivery and anemia while pregnant. The RDA for pregnancy is 27 mg. Be very careful not to exceed 45 mg, you can overdose on iron. Make sure you are getting iron levels checked with your doctor or midwife. The best foods that contain iron are:

•Cheerios •Beef

•Lamb •White meat chicken

Zinc helps with brain development in your baby. It will also help you with that awful fatigue you have while pregnant! It is crucial to grow and repair cells and produce energy. The RDA for pregnancy is 11 mg, be careful not to exceed 40 mg. The best ways to get zinc into your diet are

•Beef •Crab •White beans •Yogurt •Pork