What to Expect When It Isn't Expected: Helping Mommies Everywhere! Issue 2 / April 2014 | Page 11

...where did I put those darn glasses?

There are a few factors that contribute to this pregnancy brain and it is thought that if you change some habits it will help.

Get sleep!

You must make sure you get the proper amount of rest. I know this can be difficult when you are uncomfortable, sick or constantly having to wake up to run to the bathroom, but do your best to get sleep. Even not pregnant it is hard to function without a good amount of rest.

Eat a healthy diet!

In previous posts I have discussed nutrition and how important it is for your baby to get in the right nutrients and vitamins. It is equally as important for you! Certain foods can also benefit your memory even outside of pregnancy. Blueberries have been proven through studies to improve any short term memory loss, so stock up on the berries! Also, tomatoes which contain lycopene, an antioxidant, that is known to help with memory. Be sure to get in your recommended daily allowance of zinc which is 11 mg during pregnancy. This will benefit both you and your baby’s brain. To see more on nutrition and what foods give you certain nutrients and what they are good for check out an earlier post by me, Nutrition Is The Key, http://helpmomstone.blogspot.com/2014/02/nutrition-is-key.html.


Do your best to get some kind of physical activity in during the day. I know certain circumstances may prevent you from this but do your best, it will make a big difference. Exercise will help keep circulation flowing, release endorphins, and decrease fatigue. With the circulation going, endorphins flowing and not being so tired you will have an overall better mental health.

Drink as much as you can!

Get in as much fluid as you can to avoid dehydration. The last thing you want is an upset in your electrolytes. Any disturbance to electrolytes can cause some confusion and decrease memory. Keep the fluids flowing. If you find you can’t drink that much make sure what you can drink counts. Try gatorade or vitamin water, anything with electrolytes. One tip is if you are drinking gatorade or any sugary drinks that have electrolytes be careful and try to get low sugar drinks.

Take your prenatal vitamins!

Be sure you are taking your prenatals to be confident that your getting vitamins and minerals in for you and your baby.