What makes a great principal? 1 | 页面 5

new positions .
Principals must also support and develop the teachers they have . Research shows that principal leadership is a key factor in a teacher ’ s decision to stay at a particular school . Much of a principal ’ s time should be spent in classrooms observing teachers , complimenting their strengths , and offering specific suggestions for improvement . If a teacher is struggling with a particular issue or group of kids , the principal should be in the classroom as often as possible , watching and helping the teacher develop more successful strategies .
Patricia Gray , principal at Balboa High School , says that she spent two to three hours a day observing in classrooms and talking with teachers during her first several years as principal . Principal Weiner notes that many teachers initially objected to the hours he spent observing in classrooms at Alvarado , but he quickly found that the best teachers were eager to work with him to improve their teaching .
Questions to ask at your school
1 . Ask your principal : How do you recruit new teachers when there is an opening ?
2 . Ask your child ’ s teacher : How much time does the principal spend oberserving in your classroom ?
3 . Ask your principal : How are great teachers at our school recognized or rewarded ?
Providing meaningful opportunities for professional development is another way principals can help teachers improve instruction . The principal should make sure that workshops and other development activities are related to the goals of the school and will help teachers better serve their students . Convert webpages or entire websites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL !