What can Women bring to Business | Page 5

6 Intimacy and Nurturance

Women have the potential to relate and maintain a capacity for empathy with others. They are more connected to the world than males who are often separate and individualistic according to the psychoanalysis and sociology of gender. This trait is key in bringing transformative change to organisations such as stopping cynicism, alienation, individualism and low morale.

Women should build upon these qualities inherent in them rather than denying their value!

3 Power

Women view and express power differently to their male counterparts. Women equate power with giving, caring, nurturance and strength, whereas men tend to equate it with aggression and assertion. Women tend to lead not through control and domination for the advancement of oneself, but rather through capacity for the entire community. The female values of power challenges the organisational structure which currently supports a hierarchical notion of power and linear progression that favours men.

4 Physicality

You might not believe it, but even the way you look as a woman can affect the way you lead. The very physicality of a women is tied to images of nurturance, growth, and pregnancy/motherhood. This can be seen as grounding women in the day-to-day realities of growth and development. This is immensely useful for organisations and offers a unique set of managerial qualities.

5 Emotionality, Vulnerability and Self-Confidence

Women express vulnerability and lack of self-confidence easier than males. Psychologists redefine this ‘weakness’ in women as a great strength as it enables a more accurate assessment of strengths and weaknesses which would ultimately benefit an organisation and lead to more productive work. This differs to men who often deny or have difficulty identifying weaknesses. A woman’s ability to express emotion adds a humanising agent to managerial style and have a positive effect on the quality of life in businesses.


The Unique Qualities of Women