What can Women bring to Business | Page 4

“Instead of forcing women to fit the male model of managerial success, organization should recognize the unique managerial qualities that they possess in their own right.”

[Jan Grant, Women as Managers: What they can offer to organization]

Psychologist Jan Grant researches women in organisations and concludes that a woman’s behaviour should be celebrated in the work place.

She considers 6 psychological aspects of women that are particularly advantageous for effective business leadership.

1 Communication and Cooperation

Research shows that women display more cooperative behaviour and take turns in discussions, as opposed to men who, upon inquiry, prove to compete to speak and ‘gain the floor’. This is a useful trait for consultation and democratic decision-making processes, possibly leading to higher morale and commitment from people in the organisation. There has been recent emphasis in the business world on worker participation, communication and cooperation – most of which are psychologically intrinsic to women!

2 Affiliation and Attachment

Many support that women value affiliation more highly than self-enhancement. Don't misunderstand this as women being dependent on others, rather, a sense of concern and attachment to others. This can be useful in leading organisations which, more often than not, lack community, mutuality and interdependence. This psychological trait in women enables managerial success as it favours mutual development and productivity as opposed to individual progression.