What can Women bring to Business | Page 22

Different Styles of Business Leadership


Simple, the aim of the game is to know WHAT SORT OF LEADER YOU ARE!

Are you Thatcher, Winfrey or Nooyi?

Basically pick your answers and the majority of a letter you select is your profile/leadership style. By knowing what type of leader you are, you can identify your strengths and weaknesses and become a better business leader

1) Do you believe bringing up a family can disturb your hopes of becoming a successful business leader?

A) Yes, as it contributes to the glass ceiling

B) No, there are many examples of successful leaders who have succeeded in both, however, they should not mix

C) No, as having a family life adds to your characteristics to be a greater leader

2) Would you rely on traditional feminine characteristics such as compassion?

A) No, because feminine characteristics will get undermined in the workplace

B) Yes, because it gives me a greater edge and another perspective over men

C) Yes, because it is valuable to my business

3) Would you emphasise on the woman rather than the leader in becoming a successful woman leader?

A) The leader as gender should not define your performance in a role

B) Neutral because I don’t think about one or the other

C) A woman because the qualities you have as a woman are vital and should not be ignored

4) Would you like to be a leader in a male dominated industry?

A) Yes, because I am a natural born leader no matter what gender

B) Yes, because I feel my female characteristics gives me a perspective that can improve business I work for

C) No, because of the aggressive and competitive nature of the environment in a male dominated industry