WG AR WG 2015 Annual Report | Page 17



Discover our main activities planned for 2016

ONE TO ONE ORGANISATION DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT: One to one tailored organisation development support to individual CSOs and national networks in Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Republic of Congo and the Central African Republic.

LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME: After a highly successful implementation of the the leadership development programme, a new phase will be started in Cameroon.

CROSS-CUTTING THEMES: 2016 will also mark the development of new services and skills in cross-cutting areas, including gender, conflict management and anti-discrimination.

CO-DEVELOPMENT: Establish co-development groups in Western Democratic Republic of Congo to promote peer learning through knowledge and experience sharing amongst leaders of civil society organisations.

INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME: In order to create a regional resource base of organisation development practitioners to support CSOs in the Congo Basin region, an internship programme will be put in place.

KNOWLEDGE SHARING: Develop open access materials to increase the body of knowledge on organisation development, to share experiences and stimulate discussion.

MULTI-STAKEHOLDER DIALOGUES: Convene dialogue with progressive donors and partners of African CSOs to explore ways in which to improve the funding and support environment for CSOs in the Congo Basin.