WFTGA Guidelines Internation@l Volume 21 | Page 7

Guidelines Internetion@l WFTGA Newsletter March/April 2017 [email protected] Even the smallest sum gathered were witness to how much guides and visitors care for our historical and artistic heritage and how fragile our surroundings are. Guides in Arbuzzo, Calabria, Campania, Emilia Romagna, Friuli, Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Lombardia, Marche, Piemonte, Puglia, Sardegna, Sicilia, Toscana, Umbria, Veneto… all contributing time and skills to events across the country. IRELAND ITGD 2017 From Ela Sooder Tourist Guides from ATGI, the association of approved Tourist Guides of Ireland braced the harsh February weather and the wild Atlantic storm and organised a clean-up in the Burren Region in aid of the Burren Beo Trust. The Burren are a truly unique karst landscape and together with the nearby Cliffs of Moher form the UNESCO Geopark. The area, measuring about 250km2 of which 1500 hectares are National Park, supports arctic, alpine and medieval plants, is home to 23 different types of Orchids and 28 types of butterflies. The protection and conservation of this region is highly important and ATGI Guides are delighted to support that cause on the International Tourist Guide day and mark the year of sustainable tourism. MALAYSIA ITGD 2017 International Tourist Guide Day in collaboration with Malaysia Women Tourist Guide Association (MWTGA) and Southeast Asia Tourist Guide Association (SEATGA) at Malaysia Tourism Centre Kuala Lumpur. On the left, Kandia Mangku, our good friend and colleague On the right, the Board meeting of Southeast Asia Tourist Guide Association (SEATGA) in Kuala Lumpur on 26 February. Associations from Indonesia, Malaysia, Mandalay Myanmar, Thailand, Philippines, Singapore 7