Wellington Today Wellington Today 2017 en | Page 32

Making relationships , understanding similarities and differences between families , cultures and traditions enhance a child ’ s ability to be accepting and tolerant of others in the wider social community . Possessing the ability not just to think for themselves , but also for others promotes a sense of camaraderie , appreciation and team spirit . Pupils will play cooperatively , taking turns with others . They take account of one another ’ s ideas and show sensitivity to others ’ needs and feelings , forming positive relationships with adults and other children .


Vital aspects of growing up in the 21st Century are understanding yourself : knowing who you are , what you can personally achieve , what you aspire to ; and perhaps most important of all , what to avoid . We seek to instil self-confidence and self-awareness in all pupils , supporting them to manage their feelings and behaviour . Pupils will be confident to try out new activities and speak in familiar groups . Talking about their thoughts and ideas , pupils will be empowered to say when they do and do not need help . Pupils will choose the technological opportunities around to extend their learning , adjust their behaviour to different situations and take changes of routine in their stride .
Pupils discuss their own lives and the lives of family members , whilst being sensitive to understanding that not all children enjoy the same things . They appreciate the similarities and differences amongst the social group and talk about the features of their own immediate environment and how environments might vary from one to another , in relation to places , objects , materials and living things . Pupils sing songs , make music and dance . They explore and experiment with colour , design , texture , form and function ; they represent their own thoughts , ideas and feelings through design and technology , art , music , dance , role play and stories .
Spirituality can be defined as involving deep feelings and beliefs . Pupils must develop an inner strength , fortified by an appreciation of their own positives and development areas . The pupils talk about how they and others show feelings , they give their attention to what others say and respond appropriately . They enjoy meeting challenges for their own sake , rather than external rewards or praise and are proud of how they accomplished something rather than just the end result .
What is right ? What is wrong ? We want all pupils to make well informed decisions in life . We want them to have appropriate role models who champion the five core values consistently . We encourage pupils to learn from their mistakes . We will never forget that we are educating the leaders of the future and we will ensure that they are equipped to make the right decisions as adults , by showing a ‘ can do ’ attitude , taking risks and learning from trial and error .
A healthy lifestyle and developing an ability in a wide variety of physical activities are vital objectives for all Wellingtonians . Pupils will move confidently , handling tools and equipment effectively . They will know the importance for good health of physical exercise and a healthy diet , and talk about ways to keep healthy and safe .