Wellbeing Guide January 2015 | Page 7

CANCER AND CANNABIS Millions of people throughout the world with cancer, chronic pain, auto-immune and epilepsy are turning to Medicinal Cannabis with miraculous results. Personally I believe Medicinal Cannabis = Better quality of life for millions of Australians. Seven Foods that naturally fight cancer: http://thetruthaboutcancer.com/seven-foods-fight-cancer-naturally/ Stan Ruter at the age of 77 was diagnosed with Stage 4 ling cancer and metastasis to the brain, after 9 months of taking cannabis oil, Stan was told there was no evidence of recurrent disease. http://www.unitedpatientsgroup.com/blog/2014/03/20/dads-update-stan-rutner-a-cancer-survivor/ Susannah Patch is a local lady from Lake Macquarie who believes that Medicinal Cannabis gave her back her will to live. Watch Susannahʼs story here. http://youtu.be/ouOf1BJIkoU?list=PLmhLrNmlPeCKjFjWclCLWEqMfAcvRFDof A 54 year old mother was told that she had stage 4 lung cancer and was given 6-9 months to live... Watch her story here. http://youtu.be/-hUoyXKf81c Kristen Peskuski went from being bedridden on over 40 medications with lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, a painfull bladder condition, endometriosis, cervical cancer, asthma plus more. Kristen was told she was sterile and would never have children. After choosing to use raw cannabis for juicing Kristen is now a happy healthy mother of 2. http://youtu.be/WJ4QR2NqgWU?list=PLmhLrNmlPeCKjFjWclCLWEqMfAcvRFDof More on raw juicing: http://youtu.be/rDJv9OgATok Make your own cannabis oil, butters, tinctures with the Magical Butter Machine, available at The Herb Shop, 97 Hunter st Newcastle... Phone orders 4926 1881 Hemp/Cannabis guide part 1: http://youtu.be/wkcVEQNCzkw The Wellness Clinic Newcastle 4926 1881 Supporting our community with physical, mental and emotional health for individuals and their family members through diet, exercise, and other lifestyle modifications. Prevention is better and in the long term cheaper then a cure.