Welcome Pupil 2018-2019 welcome_pupil-2018-2019-1 | Page 52

CAMPUS AND FACILITIES LIBRARY The main library, situated on the fourth floor of the Prep School building, is the central resource centre of the College and houses over 28,000 books, with regular arrivals of new books, magazine subscriptions and numerous online resources. Inside the library there is a ‘knowasis’ which contains all the non-fiction books for access by all of our teachers and pupils. Within the library, there is a dedicated Chinese section which is resourced and monitored by the Chinese department; books are being added all the time. The library is intended for use by our pupils in year 3 and above with the nest library containing the books for our youngest pupils from the pre-nursery class up to year 2. The library is also used as an exhibition space, details of upcoming exhibitions will be advertised in ‘The Week Ahead’. The library follows the blueprint of the library at Wellington College. We have eight study rooms with interactive TV that can be used for teaching small classes, booked out for private study during free periods, used for group project work and for some of our CCAs. Opening times: 07:45 to 16.45 Monday to Thursday 07.45 to 15.45 Friday The boarders have supervised access to the library in the evenings. Early Years pupils may check out one book each week, years 1 and 2 may take three books and years 3 and above may take three books. Pupils in the Senior School have a longer loan time and if they are avid readers may take up to five books at a time. Our IB pupils have their own designated area in the library including their own shelves to store books they would like to access without checking out. 52 ICT FACILITIES All of our classrooms are equipped with interactive displays, ranging from smart whiteboards to modern flat panel computers, and teachers receive ongoing training to effectively use this technology for teaching and learning.We have labs of Apple iMacs and PCs plus tablet devices for children in upper Prep and Senior Schools. Pre-Prep and lower Prep have trolleys of iPads for use in their classrooms. In addition, we have computers in every Pre-Prep and lower Prep classroom to enable teachers to integrate aspects of ICT into lessons as appropriate. The school building and grounds contain an extensive network of wireless access points which provide 100% Wi-Fi coverage. Upper Prep and Senior School pupils are strongly encouraged to have some sort of personal computing device of their own. The college is planning to move towards use of inkable devices during 2018-19, and this may influence your decisions about which device is right for your child. If you would like more guidance about this, please contact the school for more information. MOBILE PHONES In the Prep School, pupils are allowed to bring a mobile phone to school, especially as parents may wish to make arrangements at the end of the school day. Mobile phones should be labelled with the pupil’s name and class and must remain turned off and in your child’s bag or stored safely in their locker. It must not be used during the school day. All calls during school hours must be made through the school office. In the Senior School, it is recognised that pupils may wish to use a smartphone as part of their standard organisational procedures within the school, and some teachers may encourage t heir use within the classroom for educational purposes. It is also recognised, however, that overuse can detract from normal social relationships and from the extensive range of activities that Wellington offers. The onus is therefore on your child to ensure that the right balance is achieved, and housemasters or tutors will intervene if usage of such devices becomes detrimental to your child's progress. MEDICAL CENTRE MEDICATION To ensure the safety and wellbeing of all our pupils and staff members, Wellington College has an excellently equipped medical centre which is run by fully-qualified nursing professionals. The centre is located just behind the sports hall. If your child has been prescribed medication by a doctor that needs to be administered during the school day you MUST send it into school, clearly labelled in English with your child’s name, class, time, dosage and what the medication is for. This should be marked for the attention of the school nurse – your child’s teacher will pass this on to the medical centre. A signed ‘Authorisation for Administering Medication’ form will be needed as well. Parents should note that prior to your child starting at the College, you must have completed and returned the medical form detailing any allergies or illnesses that your child(ren) may have. The medical centre will attend to any injuries or illnesses but sometimes we need to contact the pupil’s parent or guardian, so it is vital that we always have your current contact details. If your child becomes ill during school time, you will be contacted and asked to collect your child. If your child has sustained a minor injury we will contact you either by telephone or email, depending on the severity. In more serious cases of injury that require hospital treatment, we will ask you to either collect your child and take them to the hospital or, if required in an emergency, that you meet one of the nurses with your child at Shanghai East Hospital. This hospital has been chosen due to its proximity to the College. If you wish for your child to be taken to a different hospital it is the responsibility of the parent to take the child there and not the responsibility of the College. Shanghai East hospital has a 24-hour, 7-days-a-week emergency service. Shanghai East International Medical Centre 150 Jimo Road Shanghai China 上海东方国际医院, 上海市浦东新区即 墨路150号 Head School Nurse Ms Sarah Tang [email protected] Nurse’s office 021 5185 3889 Nurse’s mobile 137 0198 1931 Items such as an Epipen or Ventolin inhalers may be left in the care of the child or their class teacher/school nurse, to be on-hand immediately if required. It is the responsibility of parents to ensure their child and the school has the medication they need. EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREATMENT If your child requires urgent medical attention while under the care of the College, we will attempt to obtain your prior consent. However, should we be unable to contact you in the event of an emergency, parents have authorised (in the College Terms and Conditions) the Master to consent on their behalf to the pupil receiving emergency medical treatment recommend by a doctor (including general or local anaesthetic, operation or blood transfusion (unless you have previously notified us that you object to blood transfusions)). In addition, should it be necessary for the College to arrange for your child to see a doctor, it will be the parents’ responsibility to ensure that their child(ren) has adequate insurance or pay for the medical cost. OVER THE COUNTER MEDICATION (OCM) We wish to make you aware of the over the counter, non-prescription medications that are administered from the medical centre at Wellington College. The following medications are given to pupils at the discretion of the nurse on duty as indicated by the pupil’s condition. However, if your child is under 16 years of age we, will first contact you to obtain permission before administering this medication: – Ibuprofen 400mg: Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory, Fever, Pain relief – Loratadine 10mg: Antihistamine/ Allergy – Tylenol 650mg: Muscular aches, Migraine, Menstrual Cramps, Fever – Paracetamol 325mg: Headaches, Fever, Pain relief MEDICAL DISCLOSURE Throughout the pupil’s time as a member of the College, the nurse shall have the right to disclose confidential information about the pupil if it is considered to be in the pupil’s own interests or necessary for the protection of other members of the College community. Such information will be given and received on a confidential ‘need to know’ basis. ALLERGY AND FOOD POLICY The College recognises that although most food intolerances produce symptoms that are uncomfortable, some people can suffer a severe food allergy with more serious consequences and in some instances these may even be life-threatening. A number of pupils in the school have severe or moderate allergies to a range of foods and substances. The school therefore strives to maintain a nut-free environment and aims to ensure that none of the food provided, served or purchased within the school contain nuts. The school kitchen does not serve nut-based foods or use nut oils in any of its food preparations. If parents are sending food into school, they should read the ingredient labels fully before sending in any item. If this requires Mandarin to English translation – we ask that the parents do this to avoid bringing nut traces onto the school premises. As with any large institution, it is impossible to monitor 100% of foods on site at any time; at special events attended by pupils or with foods potentially served on school trips this becomes increasingly difficult. Therefore, discretion is advised to all pupils and families to monitor what they eat in circumstances on the occasions where the school cannot guarantee 100% food safety. EXCLUSION FROM SCHOOL Some pupils have medical conditions that make them vulnerable to infections that are rarely serious to the majority of children. Parents should always keep the Co llege updated with any health issues regarding their child(ren). Pupils with a potentially infectious disease should not attend school in order to avoid cross infection. Pupils suffering from diarrhoea, vomiting or a fever of 37.5° C or above, need to be kept at home for an additional 48 hours after their last episode. Otherwise, a doctor’s certification that rules out the possibility of infectious diseases will be required. 53