Web application security - the fast guide 1.1 | Page 74

Chapter 4 - Be the attacker P a g e | 74 result using an open source tool like Maltego can be irresistible, where Maltego helps visualize the relationships among people, organizations, web sites, Internet infrastructure can aid in information gathering, and it can find affiliations between components within an organization. Even with information as simple as a domain name or an IP address, it can query publicly available records to discover connections. Figure 26:maltego finds information about related sites and telephone numbers far specific web site. 4.9.1 Use web server vulnerabilities: Lot of software used frequently on web server are deployed with default configuration, folder structure and file locations which makes it good place to dig for some information. Brute force approach is also used in checking vulnerabilities in known set of third party application and web server modules.an example about a good tool for that purpose is WIKTO 4.9.2 Mapping parameters: Parameters can be mapped sometimes directly if it was sent through query string like in: http://myWebSite/addUser.php?name=sami&mobile=0987655441