Web application security - the fast guide 1.1 | Page 67

Chapter 4 - Be the attacker P a g e | 67 Researches by Christian S. Fötinger Wolfgang Ziegler showed that attackers have different categories depending on their motives and mindset: A. Old School Hackers: computer programmers from known universities like Stanford or MIT interested in lines of code and analyzing systems, but what they do is not related to criminal activity as They don’t have a malicious intent. B. Script Kiddies or Cyber-Punks: As an age group, they can be between 12 and 30 years old, and on average have a grade 12 education. Bored in school, very adept with computers and technology main intent is to vandalize or disrupt, like to brag about skills and achievement. C. Professional Criminals, or Crackers: make a living breaking into systems and selling the information. They might get hired for corporate or government espionage D. Coders and Virus Writers: They like to see themselves as an elite. They have a lot of programming background and write code but won’t use it themselves they live that to others. 4.3 Attacking process Figure 22 Attack process Attack: is the set of activity applied trying to exploit a vulnerability or a group of vulnerabilities in order to be able to affect availability, integrity or confidentiality. Attacks can happen without being able to reach their targets. We call the attack that succeeded to achieve any of its target a security breach and the application as a compromised application. Attackers normally follow a strict step by step approach to execute attacks because it is well known that attacks based on random approach without good planning mainly end unsuccessfully or by attacker identity discloser. The process steps are the following: 1- Mapping: this step is about collecting information from all available sources 2- Analyzing: in this step the attacker gains the real added value after analyzing and intersecting collected information. 3- Executing: this step is where the attacker will begin the penetration trial to compromise the victim application. 4- Covering trace: as hacking is an illegal act any trace that lead to disclosing the attacker real identity will cause him a serious problem additionally being detected in pre-attack or during attack might cause throwing all