Web application security - the fast guide 1.1 | Page 16

Chapter 1 - information Security overview P a g e | 16 This layer safety is critical because it is the only guarantee that the data will be partially or totally recovered after an attack or at least knowing that the attack took place. Response layer is an abstract layer because its contents might be distributed over network, platform and application layer 1.4 The security of layers: in a layer based model each layer provides services to the next layer in order. one of the provided services is security thus each layer is responsible of preventing any malicious attack from passing through to the next layer.but since layers hold different nature it is sometime impossible for a specific layer to stop an attack that ment to target deeper layer.lot of malicious requests can travel freely without any problem through a specific layer as a legitimte requests because request does not contain any sign of malicious activity related to that layer. Attacker might need to compromise more than one layer to be able to fulfill the attack goals. Compromising a layer is not always the goal of attack it might be only a step to compromise deeper layer to realize the target of attack. The following drawing illustrates some examples of attack scenarios: Network layer Platform layer Application Layer Data Layer Response Layer Figure 6: Attacker bypass Network layer, platform layer and compromise Application layer to reach data Network layer Platform layer Application Layer Data Layer Response Layer Figure 7: Attacker bypass network layer and compromise platform layer to cause denial of service Network layer Platform layer Application Layer Data Layer Response Layer Figure 8: Attacker compromise Network layer and steal data while it is sent by man in the middle attack It is important to understand that the security is as strong as the weekest layer which means that the compromization of any layer might cause a security breach of the system.