Web application security - the fast guide 1.1 | Page 137

Chapter 6 - Attack execution (2) P a g e | 137 The developer uses single quote escape using another single quote to prevent SQL injection and trimming functionality to limit the size of input in a login form. a. Attack the application using SQL injection benefiting from trimming b. Attack the application using authority horizontal escalation c. Attack using the concept of iterative login d. All the above. 9. Overlapped checks business logic vulnerability is about: a. An iterative method that apply an overlapped check on the same data with same out put b. Sequence of Two methods that embed the same partial functionality using different approaches c. A method normally used in checking business logic validity to insure secure access. d. Al the above 10. In cross site scripting The main idea: a. is to enable executing a script on the client side using code injected in the backend b. is executing a script on the client depending on poisoned data benefiting from reflection effect. c. Executing a script on the client extracted from url without the involvement of the server as active part of attack. d. All the above Answers key 1 a 2 d 3 b 4 d 5 d 6 a 7 a 8 a 9 b 10 d