Web application security - the fast guide 1.1 | Page 115

Chapter 6 - Attack execution (2)   P a g e | 115 (Https). Those methods is usually used on local networks not on the internet. Client SSL certificate with or without a smart card but this can represent a distribution problem Some application uses Windows-integrated authentication using NTLM or Kerberos and authentication services like windows passport. 6.2 Attack bad passwords Figure 44: Bad passwords Not having a special password complexity enforcement functionality can make attacking through the password very easy as many password are predictable or could be a common dictionary word or even empty or has the same username value. Some users tend to leave the default or preconfigured password which makes the attack much easier. Attack requirement:  Week or no password Attack Process a- Try empty and default values for password. b- Try common dictionary password. c- If you own an account or self registered try short passwords, user name like passwords to check if that is permitted to disclose the password rules.