We The People Spring 2016 | Page 15


The Montpelier Summit : In Their Own Words

Logan Ferree and Noelle Verhelst both serve as legislative staff in the U . S . House of Representatives , working for members of Congress on opposite sides of the aisle . Their experience highlights the power of the Montpelier Summit to help young leaders escape the daily intensity of Capitol Hill and explore the ideas behind the Constitution in an open , nonpartisan and collaborative environment .
The Montpelier Summit was an opportunity to reground myself in the fundamentals of American government . The busy day-to-day chaos of the nation ’ s capital makes it difficult to take a step back and reflect on the deeper meaning of our political system .
Bringing participants to Montpelier allows us to immerse ourselves in the study of the Constitution and its application to our professional lives at the very place where James Madison visualized the framework of the government in which we work today .
“ Human connections form a very important part of “ The ability to have open discussions on policy , my work , and the Summit was a relaxing setting where you can truly say anything , is very rare for being reminded of the shared bonds that in Washington . I went into the weekend not connect people working in politics . Regardless of knowing exactly what to expect and came party , ideology or background , we can all come out thrilled . I am excited to stay involved and together and discuss our history and founding encourage my colleagues to experience the principles in a civil environment .” Montpelier Summit for themselves .”

— Logan Ferree

Legislative Director , Office of Rep . Jared Huffman ( D-CA )

— Noelle Verhelst

Legislative Aide , Office of Rep . Joe Heck ( R-NV )

Center for the Constitution Online Courses

Learn more at montpelier . org / courses
Congress , the Constitution and Contemporary Politics
Explore the theoretical foundations of the legislative branch , from the representative bodies of ancient Rome and Greece , the creation of the American bicameral Congress at the Philadelphia Convention , the powers of Congress and the expansion and change of congressional power over time .
Suffrage in America
Explore key moments in the history of the right to vote in the United States , from the absence of an affirmative right to vote in the U . S . Constitution to current debates about election procedures and voter suppression — with many important episodes in between .
The Federal Judiciary — From Idea to Institution
Examine the role of the judiciary as one of the three branches of American government , including its Constitutional ties to the other branches , key statutes affecting its organization and operation , the evolution of the Supreme Court as an institution and more .
Creation of the Constitution
The U . S . Constitution was drafted by 55 delegates during the hot summer of 1787 to revise the Articles of Confederation . Walk through the Constitutional Convention and the debates , delving deeply into each of the issues discussed for a greater understanding of not only what the Constitution says but how it was created .