We the Italians October 17, 2016 - 84 | Page 36

th # 84 OCTOBER 17 , 2016 # 84 October 17 th 2016 because he discovered the New World. For this reason, Columbus was considered one of the most important figures in America’s young history along with Washington, Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin. Shortly after the Knights of Columbus was formed, Italian Americans launched a campaign to have the Italian explorer canonized as a saint in the Roman Catholic church because his logs revealed he saw bringing Christianity to the Indians as part of his mission in the New World. The Knights of Columbus but ultimately the Church rejected his candidacy for supported this initiative. sainthood because CoA papal inquest into Co- lumbus had had a 20-year lumbus’s life was opened relationship with Beatriz Enriquez de Harana who bore him an illegitimate son, Ferdinand, in 1488. They never married and even though Columbus was faithful to her and provided for her in his will, the Church decided that he was not a candidate for sainthood. What should Italian American communities do to defend Columbus Day? Italian American communities are already defending this federal holiday by holding parades and other celebrations across the nation.  They need to be more active in contacting their elected officials, engaging their support for the holiday and what it represents to all Italian Americans.  This is a political issue not a cultural one. Special interest groups representing minorities in towns, cities and states have been using Columbus Day and the defamation of Columbus to further their own political and social agendas. We Italian Americans, the fifth largest ethnic group in the US, need to organize as well, marshal- ling our political clout to preserve this holiday. This is being done here and there. We need to do it on a much larger and more unified scale.  Are Italian Americans the only group it is not politically incorrect to stereotype? I don't say we are the only group, but I believe that, at 20 million strong,  we are certainly the largest group. For decades Hollywood and television have been making huge amounts of money by de- 36 | WE THE ITALIANS WE THE ITALIANS | 37 www.wetheitalians.com www.wetheitalians.com