We the Italians October 17, 2016 - 84 | Page 34

th # 84 OCTOBER 17 , 2016 into dungeons for life; poisoned, oppressed, and even enslaved.  We have come a long way from those times. Columbus needs to be studied in the context of his time not ours. # 84 October 17 to navigation, his treatment of the Indians, his deep religious faith, and his importance historically. It also supports the argument that we should celebrate Columbus Day. What did the study reveal Perhaps his greatest acabout Columbus? complishment was that he was the first to  open perIt reveals his contributions manent relations between the American continent and Europe.  As a result, over the centuries since his four voyages,  millions of Europeans have come to America. They helped build this nation with their hard work and strong values. America has an enormous debt to its European immigrants, the first of whom was Columbus. The study also reveals the unbalanced portrayal of  Columbus's relations with the Indians. Historians have focused on the punitive measures Columbus took when the Indian tribes failed to produce the gold he was contracted to send to Spain. This, unfortunately, is true.  They also accuse him of being a sla- fended  the Tainos, a peave trader and a racist. This ceful tribe that was being is untrue.  attacked by the Caribs and Cannibs, who killed Columbus never bought the men and enslaved the or sold slaves. And, far women and children. The from a racist, in his cap- Cannibs, who gave us the tain's logs, he describes word "cannibal”, were parthe Indians he found as ticularly barbaric. In gratibeing handsome, well for- tude, one Taino chieftain med, generous, and intel- made Columbus  a blood ligent. Our children never brother. So while it is true learn how  Columbus de- that Columbus was cruel to Indians who worked for him, he was a savior to others. Both sides of the story need to be told, which is what the study attempts to do. Why does Columbus matter?  Columbus was a European born on a continent that has made enormous th 2016 contributions to science, medicine, art, music, law, philosophy, and literature over the centuries.  Greek democracy, Roman law, Judeo-Christian ethics and the belief that "all men are created equal" are just a few of the European pillars of civilization that have helped make America what it is today. So Columbus matters not just for his historical significance, but also as a symbol of what Europe and its people have contributed to the world and especially to these United States of America.    I've often read the phrase "Columbus was no saint", to admit that he had his flaws. But there's a more interesting and almost unknown story about this topic, right? In 1882, a group of Irish American Catholics in Connecticut founded a fraternal organization they called the Knights of Columbus. Its mission was to help the needy and support Catholicism. They named it in honor of Columbus not only because he was Catholic, but also 34 | WE THE ITALIANS WE THE ITALIANS | 35 www.wetheitalians.com www.wetheitalians.com