We the Italians March 21, 2016 - 77 | Page 37

st # 77 MARCH 21 , 2016 ries of diverse museums, served as Trento’s bishops' residence from the 1200s to the 1700s; it is composed of several components dating to different eras. It also offers an astounding view! erected near the ancient borgo of Piedicastello, at the feet of the Doss Trento . Do Trento is also home to an important UniAlso remarkable are the palazzi in Vene- versity, and thus bursting with the typitian-Renaissance style, with their Via Belen- cal youthful atmosphere that student life zani-fronting facades magnificently fresco- brings. Cultural events, exhibits, concered. ts and art openings, reading and aperitivi are the order of the day. And two rather characteristic structures, both 16th-Century, include the red mar- And visitors have plenty of museums to ble Church of Santa Maria Maggiore, choose from: check out one or a few of and Palazzo Tabarelli, the facade of whi- the several sites belonging to the Provinch features 22 reliefs of important perso- cial museum complex, the Piedicastello Galleries, the War History and Aeronaunages of Trent. tics and Aviation Museums, the Diocesan Be sure to visit Palazzo Pona Geremia Museum and/or the MART. The choice is - dating back to the 1400s – observing ample, making room for Contemporary its scenographic facade, decorated with and Modern Art, sacred art and archaefrescoes depicting the city’s history; and ology. the c. 1200s Church of Sant’Apollinare, WE THE ITALIANS | 37 www.wetheitalians.com