We the Italians March 21, 2016 - 77 | Page 19

st # 77 MARCH 21 , 2016 shoulders of two men. atmosphere. Once in the Square, the torciatori set the invernacciu on fire, creStriking this race in the dark of night, the ating the large bonfire. buildings of yellow stone are illuminated by the flames as well as the arches St. Joseph will protect the land and the of the Medici Aqueduct, while the flag remaining coals, collected from the wowavers play in Piazza del Comune with men of the town, will remain in the hothe «invernacciu», a big snowman rods mes of pitiglianesi as a propitiatory amuthat symbolizes that winter is dying. The let, perpetual interweaving of sacred and band plays and a smell of pancakes profane, religion and superstition, while with raisins and good Tuscan wine stirs the mild climate of the coming spring fragrant in the air causing an euphoric softens the festive hearts of the citizens. WE THE ITALIANS | 19 www.wetheitalians.com